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Welcome to the Electrochemical Data Processing Tool (EcDPT)!

This program, written in R using the Shiny package, aims to simplify the battery analysis process and acelerate diagnostic data return on energy storage cells cycling on an Arbin battery cycler. After uploading the raw Excel files from the Arbin MITS Pro software to the program, it automates many standard analysis techniques while also allowing for rapid generation of common battery analysis graphs. The Arbin Battery Analysis Tool was developed by and is currently maintained by the Materials Innovation group at Birla Carbon.

If you are new to the program and would like to get started, see our Installation page.

If you already have all the required software installed and configured, see our Begin Analyzing page.

High-Level Operation

Let’s start with the basics: what are the inputs?


At a minimum, all the application needs is the data file as exported from the Arbin Excel macro. The data file from Arbin is characterized as a large Excel file that contains the following information:

Date_Time Test_Time(s)* Step_Time(s)
Step_Index* Cycle_Index* Voltage(V)*
Current(A)* Discharge_Capacity(Ah)* Charge_Capacity(Ah)*
Charge_Time(s) DisCharge_Time(s) Charge_Energy(Wh)
Discharge_Energy Internal Resistance(Ohm) dV/dt(V/s)

The exact format and which values are present are configurable within the Arbin software. In order for the program to execute corrrectly, the values marked with a (*) should be present.

All other inputs are optional, depending on the desired outputs.


Now that we’ve established what the required inputs are, what does the program generate?

Regardless of inputs selected, the program will generate a directory (folder) in which all data will be placed, then a subdirectory for each cell analyzed.

In its default state, the program will generate numerous data files placed throughout this file system. At the highest level (in the main folder), there will be four files generated: [directory name] Total.csv, [directory name] dQdV Data.csv, [directory name] Cycle Facts.csv, and [directory name] Summary.csv. The Total file will contain all the raw data imported for each cell, concatenated into one large file for easy import into other analyzers. The contents of the remaining files are as follows:

File Attributes
[directory name] dQdV Data.csv
  • an index
  • cycle : the cycle number
  • cell : the cell number (expressed as the order in which they were processed)
  • c_d : indicated whether the given values correlate to a charge or discharge cycle
  • voltage : the voltage (V)
  • dQdV : the differential capacity (Ah/V)
  • F_L : indicates whether the given values correlate to the first of a new rate
[cell name] Cycle Facts.csv
  • an index
  • cycle : the cycle number
  • cell : the cell number (expressed as the order in which they were processed)
  • chV : the charge voltage (V)
  • dchV : the discharge voltage (V)
  • avgV : the average voltage (V)
  • dV : the delta voltage (V)
  • DCap : the discharge capacity (mAh/g or Ah)
  • CCap : the charge capacity (mAh/g or Ah)
  • CE : the coulombic efficiency (%)
  • lostCap : the capacity lost between the current and previous cycle (mAh/g or Ah)
  • capSE : the standard error of the discharge capacity (mAh/g or Ah)
  • ceSE : the standard error of the coulombic efficiency (%)
[directory name] Summmary.csv
  • an index
  • cycle : the cycle number
  • DCap : the average discharge capacity for the cells within the analysis (mAh/g or Ah)
  • CE : the average coulombic efficiency for the cells within the analysis (%)
  • capSE : the discharge capacity standard error (mAh/g or Ah)
  • ceSE : the coulombic efficiency standard error (%)

Values with (*) are only present if the cell masses are specified

If you would like to know how each of these values are calculated, see our Calculations page.

In addition to all the data files, there are multiple graphs than can be generated alongside for quick and easy diagnostics.

Graph X Axis Y Axis Plot Frequency
Discharge Capacity Cycle Discharge Capacity (mAh/g or Ah) per cell
Discharge Areal Capacity Cycle Discharge Capacity (Ah/cm^2) per cell
Total Discharge Capacity Cycle Discharge Capacity (mAh/g or Ah) per analysis
Average Voltage Cycle Voltage (V) per cell
Delta Voltage Cycle Voltage (V) per cell
Capacity Loss Cycle Capacity (mAh/g or Ah) per cell

The Discharge Areal Capacity (*) can only be plotted if the area of the limiting electrode is specified.

You can also generate two animations, based on “per cycle” graphs: dQdV plots and voltage profiles. These allow for great visual aids for deciphering when certain electrochemical event happen throughout cycling.

Lastly, the Total Discharge Capacity graph is a summation of all cells within the set and plots the mean capacity with respective error bars. Columbic efficiency is also averaged and plotted within the same graph.