Below are the detailed explanations for each of the calculations made within the script:
Outputs in Files
[cell name].csv
Q.c / Q.d
the charge/discharge capacity per unit mass (if the masses are not provided, this operation is not performed):
the continuous capacity (units depend on if the masses are present):
: the coulombic efficiency:
[cell name] dQdV Data.csv
indicates whether or not the particular data applies to a charge or discharge step, This value will be 1
if the following equation returns TRUE
, else the value will be 0
Though not reflected in this value, the direction of the step (charge or discharge) is later determined by the sign of Current(A)
from the input file.
the differential capacity:
a 0
is appended at the beginning of the data frame to ensure the column lengths remain equal.
indicates whether or not the particular data is the first of a given rate series (applied per cycle). This value will be 1
if the following equation returns TRUE
, else the value will be 0
[cell name] Cycle Facts.csv
chV / dchV
the average charge/discharge voltage of each cycle:
where a
and b
are the voltage limits in which the cell was cycled and x
is the discharge capacity.
the average voltage of a given cycle:
the delta voltage of a given cycle:
DCap / CCap
the discharge/charge capacity of a given cycle.
This is the last measurement of Discharge_Capacity(Ah)
or Charge_Capacity(Ah)
within the cycle from the input file.
If masses are specified, the values of Q.d
and Q.c
will be used instead.
the columbic efficiency of a given cycle.
The last value of CE
in modified input file.